Saturday, September 22, 2012

Jamie Goes to School

[My first day of school was Monday, Sept 17th...Just now getting a chance to post this]

It is a universal truth that the morning of the first day of school is complete chaos. 

The electricity had gone out the night before and still wasn't back on in the morning. My host mom had to heat her iron on the gas burner so that she could iron everybody's clothes, and she couldn't use any of her electric hair tools, so she was stressing about that. Tornike was getting yelled at because he wouldn't sit down and drink his tea. Mari slept in her french braid, then took it out and brushed it, so she looked like a little Georgian Diana Ross. She found this hilarious at first, but after trying headbands, ponytails, and trying to flatten it with her hands, all to no avail, she started to tear up when her mom was yelling at her to hurry. I was sitting in the living room, ready to go 20 minutes early (I only possess this ability in foreign countries for some reason) so I told Mari I'd rebraid it for her. 

School was interesting. It's a bit like pulling teeth to get anyone to inform me of what's going on, ever, but hopefully that will improve. I'm the first volunteer at this school, so I have a feeling they're not really sure what to do with me yet. I did finally get my schedule, though. I come in at 9:00 almost every day (one day of the week I start at 9:55) and am never there past 12:30. Monday's I'm only there until 11:30. So, not too tough at all. We're also encouraged to start an after-school club, so I'm going to try to start an English Film Club. Cartoons for 1st - 6th grade, and real movies for the higher grades. I started brainstorming films that have limited sex and violence and clean language, but couldn't come up with a lot. If you have suggestions, feel free to leave a comment. Also, I don't even know if I'll be able to do Film Club, because I don't think my school has a TV or projector, but I'll have to ask for sure. 

I am lucky that my class sizes are so small. Today I had 3rd grade with 13 students, 4th with only 8 students, and 5th with 17. Not only are the small classes easier to control, it will also make it easier for me to remember names, since a lot of Georgian names are long and hard to remember since they sound like no name I've ever heard before. I would give you examples, but I forgot them all.

Also, they brought liquor to the teacher's lounge and were pouring shots for people. Liquor and chocolate between classes. At 10:00 a.m. Yes, please.

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